Tips To Repel Mice From Your Self Storage Unit

Self storage units are great places to store all of your home items while you prepare for a big move. While the vast majority of self storage spaces are sealed in a way that moisture and pests cannot get in, certain pests may be highly motivated to get into self storage spaces. This is true of mice who are drawn to dark and quiet spaces where food remnants can be detected. While you may know that rodent infestations mean that it is wise to clean things like ovens and refrigerators thoroughly before storing them to keep the pests away, this does not mean that your self storage neighbors do the same. [Read More]

How to Store Street Performance Art Equipment

Whether you are an amateur street performer or a new circus arts student, you may find that your equipment will quickly take over your living space. In order to keep your living space uncluttered and your circus arts equipment safe and organized, you might want to rent a self-storage unit. Before you begin storing your equipment, though, go over this list to make sure you are storing your items correctly and making the most of your storage space. [Read More]