Talking About Storage Units

Tips For Storing Household Appliances

Household appliances, such as refrigerators and washing machines, may look tough, but they can be damaged by poor storage. The risk is especially true if keeping the appliances in long-term household storage. Below are some tips you can use when storing household appliances.   

Run One Last Cycle

For appliances that use water, it is important to run one last empty cycle before disconnection. This is true for appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers. This last cycle should be a load-free cycle with only water and detergent followed by a rinse cycle. This will get rid of any debris or clogs that might foul the appliance during storage.

Drain All Liquids

It's also advisable to drain all liquids from your appliances. Leaving water in the appliance increases the risk of corrosion, mold growth, leakage, and even bad odor during storage.

Clean And Dry

Most items need to be cleaned and dried before storage, and appliances are no exception. This is especially true if you want to store the appliances for a long duration and you haven't cleaned them in a while. Get rid of the debris that can attract pests, attract moisture (with its complications such as corrosion), and even encourage mold growth. Don't forget to wipe the appliances thoroughly to dry them.

Detach Accessories

For appliances that have detachable accessories, you should remove the accessories and store them separately. This is advisable for accessories such as removable glass parts, hoses, and electrical connections, among others. Storing the accessories separately ensures they won't get damaged or lost during storage.

Close Doors During Transportation

Most household appliances have doors, and these doors risk getting damaged during transportation if they are left to bang around. Close the doors if possible or secure them, for example, with tape, to avoid movement during transportation. For appliances with original boxes, transportation is best done in those boxes.

Open Doors During Storage

Even though household appliances should be transported with closed doors, you need to open the doors once you get them to the storage unit. In fact, you need to prop the doors open for the duration of storage. Open doors will encourage air circulation, which will keep moisture and mold at bay and keep your appliances smelling fresh too.

Hopefully, your appliances will be safe irrespective of the storage duration after using the above tips. Don't forget to choose a good storage facility and unit as a further precaution.  
